How To Use A Prayer Box To Strengthen Your Relationship With God

A Prayer Box is a tangible way to keep record of our conversations with God. A Prayer Box is just like it sounds: a Box of Prayers to God. You can put into it whatever will strengthen your relationship to God.

Prayer is our human interaction with an Almighty God. While we can’t see God, through prayer we experience God’s presence.  A Prayer Box is for storing our God thoughts. We can go back to the Prayer Box and be reminded of what God showed us about a certain topic or issue we dealt with, or what we prayed to God at a certain time and we can pray it again.

We find guidance in how to pray, in God’s Word, the Bible. You can read almost any verse in the Bible and make a prayer out of it. That is called “praying Scripture.” And if you need a little reminder of how powerful and important prayer is, here are a few Bible verses about prayer.

For Your Personal Prayer Life

Make a Prayer Box to strengthen your own personal relationship with your Heavenly Father.

One way to start would be to put slips of papers of different colors, into your box. Have 5 to10 papers of each color. The different colors can be be a way of categorizing your different themes. For example, choose the color green to make one set of blank slips of paper for you to write your own personal prayer to God. Or choose the color blue for the theme “Prayers for Healing.” Write a Bible Verse on one side of the paper. If God gives you thoughts about that Bible Verse, you can jot it down on the back of that slip of paper.

It is helpful, in your walk with God, to also write a date on each slip of paper, reminding you of when you had that particular talk with God.

To Pray For Other Believers

You can make another Prayer Box that is just “praying for others.” Or if your Prayer Box is large enough to hold lots of slips of papers, you can keep each theme together with a rubber band, as a way of organizing the different themes in your Prayer Box.

If someone asks you to pray for them or God puts it on your heart to pray for them, this Prayer Box will be a way to remember what and who to pray for. Write their name on a slip of paper along with their request and the date. One way to pray for each one in your family, would be to write a family members name on one individual paper and keep them all together with a rubber band.

Use A Prayer Box To Share The Gospel

You can even make or buy small Prayer Boxes to share the Gospel, with others. Have slips of paper with Bible verses about salvation inside each box. Keep several Prayer Boxes in your car and when the Lord prompts you, you can give the whole Prayer Box to someone. Ask them their name and say that you have a prayer box too and will put their name on a slip of paper, to remember to pray for them.

Give A Prayer Box As A Gift

You can make or buy a Prayer Box as a gift for a friend or family member. The options are endless for how you can fill it for the particular person to receive the Prayer Box. You can have your slips of paper compiled together with colorful rubber bands, to keep separate several themes of Bible Verses or prayers. Another band of papers could have one slip of paper for each family member’s name on it to pray for them individually. Another band of papers could be blank for them to write whatever ideas God gives them.

Make One Or Buy One?

Make your own Prayer Box or buy one? Make your own is a fun way to go. But if you want several and can’t make them or would rather buy the Prayer Box, you will still have the opportunity make it personal by what you put into it, even when choosing to buy one. There are lots of options for buying Prayer Boxes. Wooden Ones. Tin ones. Cardboard ones.